Monday, 4 August 2014

My Liebster award answers

Thankyou to for nominating me for this award here are my answers.

11 facts about me:

  1. I'm 6 feet tall. I like being tall but i would like to be just a bit smaller(like 5'10 or 5'11)
  2. My favourite singer is Lana del rey. Her music is so good and i have all of her albums.
  3. I love lasagne. It's the best.
  4. I'm a vegetarian and I love being one. It's interesting and fun searching and creating recipes with all of the different flavours.
  5. I have a fear of heights and spiders.
  6. I have never been on a roller coaster
  7. I love playing Just dance its so fun and I always beat my family.
  8. I love baking and cooking. although my cupcakes never turn out right. But im working on it.
  9. I'm not a girly girl but am quite a tomboy.
  10. I'm a middle child and the only girl.
  11. I'm a sikh and proud.

And here are my answers to the questions:

If you could change one moment in time what would it be?
Probably the day I chose GCSE business. I absolutely hate it.

Who is you're number one hero in life?
I can't just choose one. Because my answer is my parents. They do everything for me and really do care for me.

If you could change one thing about the world then what would it be?
Probably all of the murderers and paedophiles. They scare even me and make me worry about all of my cousins.

What is your favourite season?
Probably winter. I hate really hot weather and plus that's when Halloween,Christmas and Diwali is. I love rainy days and wearing scarves and woolly coats.

What is your least favourite type of weather?
I do like warm weather; but i hate hot sticky weather. when its so hot that your all sweaty and sticky. ewww.

If you could choose one thing to be extremely good at what would it be
I would want to be good at drawing. I'm really crafty and good at sewing but not drawing but i would love to be. 

 7. What type of blog is your favourite to read
I love fashion and diy Blogs. but mostly diy Blogs. I love looking at what people make and how they do it so I can copy them.

  8. If you could choose to be any celebrity for a day who would you choose and why?
I'm not sure. There's so many to choose from. But i would prefer to be mee.

  9. What is the one dream in life that you want to come true?
To get a good paying job in the future. I know it doesn't sound very fun or creative but im worried i won't get a job and end up having to do something i hate.

  10. If you were a fruit what fruit would you be?
Peaches. my favourite.

  11. What is you're favourite song at the moment?
Lana del rey - Old money.

I nominate all of the below:
Gemma kenny -
Betty maria -
mathilda -
Tessa en emily -
lemonjuice -
bibi o -
paula -
rachael t -
all of the rest didn't show interest.  :(  

My questions:

Give 11 facts about yourself and then answer the questions below then tag your people.

1. have you ever done something you have regretted?
2. Who is your favourite singer?
3.  What is your favourite shop?
4. if you could become a fruit which one and why?
5. Who is your favourite youtuber?
6.  What is your favourite summer song?
7. If you could move to any country/city which one?
8. If you could choose a hobby to be good at what would it be?
9. What food do you hate the most?
10. Which celebrity would you want to swap places with?
11. What's your favourite T.V show/series?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for nominating me lovely! I love these posts - you get to know the blogger rather than the blog!
    I wish I could draw too (and my cupcakes never turn out right either!)

    Rachael at
